Cases in events management

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Term 2
SCQF Level
School of Business, Law and Social Sciences


This module explores the impact of festivals and events on their host communities.


The aim of this Module is to provide the student: with the skills and knowledge required to assess the direct and indirect impacts of festivals and events on the host community through a case study approach.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module the student should be able to:

  1. Identify the economic, environmental and social impacts of events and festivals on the host communities.
  2. Evaluate the economic, environmental and social impacts of events and festivals on the host communities.

Indicative Content

1 Introduction: The theoretical background

Basic concepts, ideas, principles of festivals, events and communities; Forces-Stressors-State-Impact-Response (FPSIR) model).

2 Types of Events

Local community events to mega and online events.

3 Impact of events

Nature of impacts, impact assessments; Economic, social, environmental, tourism, political, psychological.

4 Future of events

Introduction to the future, industry perception of events future; future trends and issues. Live streaming.

5 Stakeholders

Stakeholder theory Corporate Social Responsibility theory.

6 Case studies in events

Teaching and Learning MethodHours
Supervised Practical Activity0
Unsupervised Practical Activity0

Guidance Notes

SCQF Level - The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework provides an indication of the complexity of award qualifications and associated learning and operates on an ascending numeric scale from Levels 1-12 with SCQF Level 10 equating to a Scottish undergraduate Honours degree.

Credit Value – The total value of SCQF credits for the module. 20 credits are the equivalent of 10 ECTS credits. A full-time student should normally register for 60 SCQF credits per semester.


We make every effort to ensure that the information on our website is accurate but it is possible that some changes may occur prior to the academic year of entry. The modules listed in this catalogue are offered subject to availability during academic year 2024/5, and may be subject to change for future years.