Digital Skills for University and Beyond

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Term 1 or 2
SCQF Level
AbLE Academy


By taking this microcredential you will be introduced to the key digital capabilities you need for your studies, and you will identify which of your digital capabilities you need to develop to become better prepared for an increasingly digital world. The more digitally prepared we are the easier it is for us to learn and work efficiently while adapting to rapidly changing circumstances.

Digital skills allow you to adapt your digital environment (devices, apps and resources to suit your learning needs, helping you to manage your time and tasks and look for help online when you need it

Not only do digital capabilities help you to engage and communicate with other people in your personal life or whilst you learn, they help you to succeed in the world of work. Employers are increasingly looking for excellent digital capabilities in both applicants and current employees.

On this course you identify the skills and tools that will help you create, communicate, participate, learn and support others in digital spaces, while learning how to present yourself well online and improve your digital profile.

These skills are aligned with development of the following Abertay Attributes, specifically the Digital dimension i.e. Abertay will actively support individuals to:

• Develop digital fluency, giving them knowledge, skills and confidence to embrace digital solutions

• Be prepared for the world of work and understand the likely impact of digital technology in their chosen subject and across contexts.

• Be equipped for workforce transitions and lifelong learning, including the ability to learn online.


To provide the student with an understanding of how to identify and use institutional tools alongside personal apps and devices, with appropriate digital tools to support their learning and future employability.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module the student should be able to:

  1. Prepare and implement a development plan to enhance digital skills in support of their learning and future employability.

Indicative Content

1 Map current skills

Identify current strengths against a range of digital skills students will need at university and are also sought by employers. Create a plan to develop your digital skills journey using an online platform

2 Digital Learning Environment

Identify tools including assistive technologies which will help you organise your learning and ensure your devices are efficient and secure

3 Institutional Systems

Understand how to engage with institutional tools such as MyLearningSpace, MS Teams, OASIS, MyAbertay Dashboard and Calendar

4 Digital Communication and Collaboration

Use different types of online communication to communicate with other students and your lecturers. Understand how learning networks are used professionally.

5 Digital Learning and Development

Understand how to develop skills in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Forms and Onedrive skills to an advanced level by gaining software provider accreditation.

6 Digital Creativity and Problem solving

Use appropriate tools to create and edit digital content, including multimedia while respecting copyright.

7 Digital Identity

Identify effective use of social media to present a positive digital identify.

Teaching and Learning MethodHours
Supervised Practical Activity0
Unsupervised Practical Activity0

Guidance Notes

SCQF Level - The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework provides an indication of the complexity of award qualifications and associated learning and operates on an ascending numeric scale from Levels 1-12 with SCQF Level 10 equating to a Scottish undergraduate Honours degree.

Credit Value – The total value of SCQF credits for the module. 20 credits are the equivalent of 10 ECTS credits. A full-time student should normally register for 60 SCQF credits per semester.


We make every effort to ensure that the information on our website is accurate but it is possible that some changes may occur prior to the academic year of entry. The modules listed in this catalogue are offered subject to availability during academic year 2024/5, and may be subject to change for future years.